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Herbs For An Overactive Bladder – Some Good Remedies Here

Norelle Hentschel  – Australian Naturopath and Herbalist

Have you ever wondered if there are any herbs that can help an overactive bladder? Because I have! So, to satisfy my curiosity, I went straight to a reliable source and asked Naturopath and Herbalist. I hope you find her insights as enlightening as I do. (Katalin Janssens)

Has your bladder become way too needy?

“Hello, I need to go pee and I need to go now!”

Do you look for where the toilets are when you go somewhere and carry a backup pair of knickers in your handbag? You are not alone.

What is an overactive bladder?

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common but often hidden urinary problem affecting up to 60% of women at some point in their lives. It comes in two types: dry and wet.

Dry OAB – is when you get the urge to void frequency but nothing happens until you get to the toilet.

Wet OAB (as the name suggests) means a little or a lot of leakage may occur before you make it to the bathroom.


• Needing to void more than eight times per day or getting up more than once a night
• Strong urge to go even if you haven’t consumed much fluid
• Leakage (incontinence)

Why does is happen?

Dietary Triggers

  • Excessive fluid consumption. Excess fluid intake may alter your electrolyte balance so the water can’t get into your cells and just goes through you.
  • Caffeine – can act as a diuretic in higher doses. More likely at about 200mg/day (2 espresso style coffees) but some people are more sensitive.
  • Alcohol – acts a diuretic
  • High sugar diet
  • Cranberry – although beneficial for preventing urinary tract infections it can increase the urge to void.
  • High dose supplemental vitamin C


  • Diuretics
  • ACE Inhibitors
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Antidepressants
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Benzodiazepines

Other Causes

  • Stress and anxiety. Part of the “fight or flight” response is to empty the bladder.
  • Weak pelvic floor – pregnancy and childbirth
  • Nerve damage (spinal injury, herniated disc, diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis)
  • Kidney disease
  • Urinary tract infection (symptomatic and asymptomatic)
  • Increased pressure on bladder (pregnancy, obesity)
  • Menopause – lowered oestrogen levels are thought to change the muscle tone of the bladder


To effectively treat OAB you need to address the underlying cause. Herbal medicine has a supportive role to other therapies such as pelvic floor exercises.

Herbs to Reduce Overactive Bladder


Crataeva is an Indian herb with a long history – it’s been helping bladders since the 8th century BC! Crataeva is the herbal equivalent of a workout for your bladder. Using this herb for between 6-12 weeks increases the smooth muscle tone of your bladder (less likely to leak!) and also reduces residual urine. Great if you need to get up more than once a night to pee! Think of it as a tonic with results gradually building up over time.


Mullein is beneficial for the kind of OAB which causes the incontinence associated with menopause. It strengthens the bladder sphincter which can weaken in low oestrogen states.


Equisetum not only contains the mineral silica, it also helps your body use silica more efficiently. Silica is a mineral needed for strong connective tissue. If you’ve got weak nails, brittle hair or low bone mineral density along with OAB this herb can help strengthen the connective tissue of the bladder. I would usually combine this with Buchu or Crataeva for a rounded prescription.


This South African herb reduces the desire to constantly urinate. Buchu is particularly beneficial for diabetic incontinence due to it’s Anti-Inflammatory activity.

Getting the best results with herbs

Getting the best results with Herbal Medicine involves taking the right herb for your individual needs. It is advisable to work with a Naturopath or Herbalist who can take a detailed case history and give you the most appropriate prescription. This is especially important if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or are taking medication. Not all the herbs mentioned above will be suitable for you.

Research supports that pelvic floor exercises & conscious strategies help to control an overactive bladder.

Source HERE

Find Norelle's Webpage that specialises in Pelvic Floor Exercises

Source HERE


Astonishing Vitamin Deficiency Cause And Remedy For Leaky Bladder

By Dr. Glenn Rothfeld – Integrative Medicine Practitioner (40Yrs)

Stop dealing with that leaky bladder (Try THIS vitamin!)