By Carly Fraser - Excellent Natural Health Advocate & Researcher
Almost half of the entire US population (48.7%) has used at least one of the most common prescription drugs in the past 30 days (1). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 10% of the population has used 5 or more of these drugs in the last month -that’s quite a lot.
Statistics show that “between 2013 and 2015, the average annual drug spending for patients who stay in community hospitals increased by 23.4%, from $5.2 million to $6.5 million. And on a per admission basis, hospital spending on drugs jumped nearly 39%, to $990 (2).” When your health is at risk and you don’t have a lot to spend, these numbers aren’t comforting.
Drugs can undoubtedly save lives, but sometimes prescription medications can mean treating or masking symptoms, without fixing the root cause of the health issue.
“There are natural therapies available that are much safer, often more effective, and cost much less,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of the book Real Cause, Real Cure. “Of course, you should never start, change, or stop taking medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Big Pharma Keeping You Drugged
The medical community trains us to believe that prescription medications are not only necessary, but safe. Your doctor will probably tell you that although the drug you’re going to take comes with side effects, the benefits of these toxic medications far outweigh the negative.
The problem here, though, is that we’re blindly taking these medications without ever questioning what might be causing the issues. That is, what is the root cause, and how can I fix it? Medications are more often than not, a bandaid for something that’s brewing underneath. These fixed mindsets have also been passed onto our children.
A recent survey showed that over half of all teens believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs. An amazing 60-70% even say that home medicine cabinets are their source of drugs (3).
However, what we’re not being told is how much money Big Pharma is making behind the scenes – that is, billions of dollars are made every year at the expense of our health. Every medication you are prescribed for an illness comes with a slew of side effects that eventually result in more illnesses, for which your doctor will prescribe more medications. This becomes an endless circle of sickness most people are stuck in today.
Top 7 Most Common Prescription Drugs
For every prescription medication, there are a number of natural alternatives.
Whenever possible, it is best to try and heal your body the way nature intended – that is, without prescription medications. Proper nutrition is the foundation of health. Therefore, eating properly and exercising regularly are the only ways to assure you stay strong and healthy.
Almost half of the entire US population (48.7%) has used at least one of the most common prescription drugs in the past 30 days (1). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 10% of the population has used 5 or more of these drugs in the last month -that’s quite a lot.
Statistics show that “between 2013 and 2015, the average annual drug spending for patients who stay in community hospitals increased by 23.4%, from $5.2 million to $6.5 million. And on a per admission basis, hospital spending on drugs jumped nearly 39%, to $990 (2).” When your health is at risk and you don’t have a lot to spend, these numbers aren’t comforting.
Drugs can undoubtedly save lives, but sometimes prescription medications can mean treating or masking symptoms, without fixing the root cause of the health issue.
“There are natural therapies available that are much safer, often more effective, and cost much less,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of the book Real Cause, Real Cure. “Of course, you should never start, change, or stop taking medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Big Pharma Keeping You Drugged
The medical community trains us to believe that prescription medications are not only necessary, but safe. Your doctor will probably tell you that although the drug you’re going to take comes with side effects, the benefits of these toxic medications far outweigh the negative.
The problem here, though, is that we’re blindly taking these medications without ever questioning what might be causing the issues. That is, what is the root cause, and how can I fix it? Medications are more often than not, a bandaid for something that’s brewing underneath. These fixed mindsets have also been passed onto our children.
A recent survey showed that over half of all teens believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs. An amazing 60-70% even say that home medicine cabinets are their source of drugs (3).
However, what we’re not being told is how much money Big Pharma is making behind the scenes – that is, billions of dollars are made every year at the expense of our health. Every medication you are prescribed for an illness comes with a slew of side effects that eventually result in more illnesses, for which your doctor will prescribe more medications. This becomes an endless circle of sickness most people are stuck in today.
Top 7 Most Common Prescription Drugs
For every prescription medication, there are a number of natural alternatives.
Whenever possible, it is best to try and heal your body the way nature intended – that is, without prescription medications. Proper nutrition is the foundation of health. Therefore, eating properly and exercising regularly are the only ways to assure you stay strong and healthy.
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