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By Gemma Curtis – Sleep Matters Club Journalist

Some people can’t sleep without reading, but for others, the bedtime story is left in their child years.

Reading before bed is an age-old tradition. Some people can’t sleep without reading, but for others, the bedtime story is left in their childhood. In recent times, reading interest has surged enormously. Whether it’s because people are running out of hobbies to try when they’re stuck at home or because they’re looking to expand their vocabulary is up for debate. Yet, the key question still remains: can the practice of reading before bedtime be beneficial?

By Amy Morin – Clinical Psychologist & Author

Mental Strength Trainer And Host Of The Mentally Strong People Podcast

Whether you’re tempted to give in to that craving for a cupcake, or you’re about to give up on your goals, perseverance isn’t easy. But before you blame your lack of God-given willpower and before you make an excuse for your less than stellar performance, consider this; it only takes a few minutes a day to build the mental muscle you need to reach your greatest potential.

Building mental strength is similar to building physical strength.

By Janet Vargas – Independent Natural Health Researcher

Here in this article, I would like to show you that Sugar is anything but Natural.

Some say "stay with sugar, you know what it is" and it's true that we need to keep away from the perils of Aspartame, Sucralose and other Synthetic Sweeteners that have bitter consequences to our health.

I intend to show you it is not good to keep ingesting Sugar because Sugar-Sweet can become Sour when it comes to our health. The Sugar Habit can be overpowering I know, as someone who got acutely anaemic at the age of 30 - never liked sugar much before and got addicted to Peppermint TicTacs, finding them refreshing I lost my appetite for food most of the time.