By Janet Vargas – Independent Natural Health Researcher
It may be news to you that Soya Beans are not meant to be ingested. This has been known by many health professionals and researches for some years now yet it keeps masquerading as a health food and holds it's place in the market - the food shelves are inundated with it. It may also surprise you to know that the one who promoted soya beans to the world, Earl Mindell, has been discovered not to be a Nutritionist after-all. His claims have been found to be fraudulent.
He was also exposed on video by Joseph Mercola - a true Nutritionist and leading Natural Health Advocate - for making false claims about Himalayan Goji Juice by Freelife International. Their claims were that they harvested Goji Berries from a belt of land in the Himalayas, that he spent years perfecting a process that preserved all the health properties in those Gogi Berries in an unaltered state, including B Vitamins content. Joseph Mercola ran a Lab-Test, found none and interviewed Earl Mindell at his mansion afterwards.
You should have seen his reaction in the following interview when Mercola's worker went back to ask him direct questions, then said they found conflicting evidence to his claims from the contents of the bottle he gave her to try. Also in this Video was a brief interview with the College that was supposed to have trained him - he had no qualifications from them. If this video was still on Dr Joseph Mercola's website, you could see what kind of 'professional' introduced Soy to the World!
I was invited to a conference where he was a guest speaker in Australia years ago and sorry to say I was quick to avoid conversation afterwards when he stepped over to me. I did not mean to be rude but my instincts told me "NO" It was some months later I found Mercola's video on the Net.
A List of the More Widely Known Dangerous Ingredients in Body and Food
Products states the following information for your consideration:
Soy contains several naturally occurring compounds that are toxic to humans and animals. Soy foods block calcium and can cause vitamin D deficiencies. One health agency estimates that 100 grams of soy protein provides the estrogenic equivalent of the pill. Processing and all modern soy foods contain MSG, which cause neurological problems. Soy products inhibit thyroid function, which may lead to fatigue and mental issues. Infants on soy formula are vulnerable to developing autoimmune thyroid disease when exposed to high amounts of isoflavones over time. Long term feeding with soy formulas inhibits thyroid peroxidase
to such an extent that long term elevated thyroid stimulating hormone levels can also raise the risk of thyroid cancer. It is said that two glasses of soy milk a day over the course of a month contains enough of the chemical to change the timing of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Only eat soy if it has been fermented: such as soy, miso and tamari and if it is labeled as Organic or Non-GMO.
Vitamin B12 Analogs in Soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12.
If you are vegan or vegetarian, you need to have a good supply of this vitamin, not a deficit. One lady I knew many years ago was on a soy - vegetarian diet and it affected her behavior adversely according to the husband at a later date after she passed away early. That would have been due to a marked Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Soy is definitely one of the most controversial foods in the world.
Depending on who you ask, it is either a wonderful superfood or toxic to hormones.
Whole soybeans are rich in micronutrients, but they also contain phytates which block absorption of minerals. Soybeans are very rich in Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can cause problems.
Soy Contains Isoflavones That Function as Endocrine DisruptorsEstrogens are also found in men, although in smaller amounts.
The way estrogens (and other steroid hormones) work, is that they travel into the nuclei of cells and activate the estrogen receptor.
When that happens, there are changes in gene expression, leading to some kind of physiologic effect.
The problem with the estrogen receptor is that it isn’t very selective in the substances that can activate it. Some substances in the environment that look like estrogen can activate it too.
This is where the whole soy thing gets interesting…
Soy contains large amounts of biologically active compounds called isoflavones, which function as phytoestrogens… that is, plant-based compounds that can activate estrogen receptors in the human body.
These isoflavones are classified as endocrine disruptors, chemicals that interfere with the normal function of hormones in the body. The key isoflavones in soy are Genistein, Daidzein and Glycitein.
This can cause reduced estrogen activity due to the isoflavones blocking the actual, more potent estrogen from binding, OR it can lead to an increased estrogen activity due to the isoflavones activating the receptors.
In one study, 48 women were split into two groups. One group ate their normal diet, the other supplemented with 60 grams of soy protein.
After only 14 days, the soy protein group had significant increases in proliferation (increase in number) of the epithelial cells in the breasts, which are the cells that are most likely to turn cancerous.
By Kris Gunnars BSc Authority Nutrition
Excerpt from Is Soy Bad For You, or Good? The Shocking Truth
Many years ago, I was invited for lunch on occasions by a couple who presented a few interesting vegetarian dishes on the table, I was attracted to and enjoyed very much.
I met the husband some years ago who was widowed and I remember him saying "that's alright" to me when I said "she was a nice lady." He went on to say that he is relieved and his life is more restful now because she had very strange behavior patterns and displayed fits of rage on her own with him when guests were not there.
It just dawns on me, reading the above Info again, we had neighbors down the street in my 20s who were vegetarian and used to make meals with lots of Soya Beans.
To come to think of it, both of them had remarkably strange behavior patterns.
Their behavior was somewhat eccentric at times. I wonder, could that have been the amount of Soy they used to ingest? From the report we read about Vitamin B12 deficiency, it is highly probable.
There were other vegetarians in our street who had different protein to Soy - they were perfectly normal. Not everyone who has Soy is affected that way but here is four cases in one article, no doubt countless others. So much for the claims that Soy provides B12!
Did you know that most Soy Crops in the USA and some other counties are actually GMO contaminated and heavily sprayed with Round-Up? Monsanto (the manufacturers of these) are reported over and over for being notorious liars with criminal activity, who have had lawsuits for misleading information, yet no-one stops them because they are a multi-billion dollar industry!
It is so wrong of certain professionals not to be updating you on the Risks and Perils of Soy, just because they refuse to be updated.
My friends, that is what I refer to as 'Blatant Ignorance!'
Please think again.